On Tuesday of last week Jayven went to a specialist to find out if he has celiac disease (allergic to gluten, & wheat). They scheduled him for a biopsy on June 7th. They will go in his tummy with a scope & take pieces of biopsy from his stomache & small intestines. They say these kids go undiagnose for a long time because its hard to get the correct testing done. He does have a lot of the symptoms. Poor little guy is always sick & we just want him to be healthy. He has to drink ensure for kids because he's a little under weight the dr said. He also had a bad cough & whezy lungs. He went to the walk in & his O2 was 92 & it should be above 100. They gave him a breathing treatment. Then he couldn't breathe very well about 4-5 hrs later so he went to the ER & his O2 was 91 they gave him a stronger dose of meds & a breathing treatment. We got out of the ER at 3:00 am. I feel so bad for Jen cuz she deals with this all by herself. She is an amazing mom & works hard for her children. Then she has to worry about health issues with him. Keep him in your prayers for health & answers.
I picked up my grand kids Aura & Aden from Tri Cities Friday night & I was so busy all weekend long... I'm so tired, but I loved having them here! Jayven had the most fun riding the rides over & over. He would say more (in his cute little way he says more) when he would get done. He was so cute! Those blue eyes get you every time. Aden had fun riding the rides with Jayven. The girls are at the in between stage not old enough to wander around by them selves, but yet they think they are! They just grow up way to fast now days. All the kids loved the Parade with all the lights, & sounds. Shaylei & Aura liked the prancing horses. Aden liked the tractors & the fire truck. And Jayven liked it all.
It was time to take Aura & Aden back to home today & they both did not wanna go home. Aden wraps his arms around my neck & says I don't wanna go home cuz I don't wanna miss you Gma. :( (breaks my heart) I wish they lived here close to me. I'm one tired Gma tho....they kept me busy. The two boys are a handful right now with their ages 6 & 2. They don't know how to share very well & fight over things. Shaylei has always stayed here when Aura is here visiting they are very close. So now Jayven crys when he has to go home with out her & doesn't understand why he can't stay. Guess what...!! Gma has been letting him stay, but I have to sleep with them cuz I'm afraid of what they might get into. Aden is sneaky little boy & Jayven will follow, but he don't know any better yet! I love these kids so much... They have all truly captured my heart forever... God has Bless me so much with them...
Monday, May 28, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
been busy, busy, & mothers day.....
Hmmm where do I start! I did Bloomsday on May 6th & finished it in two hours & fifty minutes. I was so PROUD of myself... I cried when I crossed the finish line. I accomplished so much that day for myself that only I can know in my heart what it meant to cross the finish line & to do it by myself. I may not of ran the race, but I pressed on & walked it all the way! Never giving up...even when it hurt so bad about 6 1/2 miles that I began to say in my head I can't do this.... I got my second wind when I came to mile 7 & knew I had less then a half a mile & began to run it all the way to the finish line...
Then on the next day May 7th was another accomplishment for me to celebrate 17 yrs of sobriety & clean time. I can remember how lost I always felt in life. I always had friends when I drank & used drugs. Only to realize later they weren't really friends they were users of drugs, alcohol, & of people just like me....a user & a liar. I remember my heart hurt so much from so much pain in my childhood & what a mess I had made of my life. I was so lost, confused, broken, & stripped of my innocents. I knew who Jesus was, but truly believed at that time Jesus really didn't care about me or love me. My heart hurt so much, I physically had chest pains all the time & in my mind I saw a BLACK heart that was dying inside my chest. I truly believed at that time in my life, life could not be any different & that I would die from my addictions. It was all I knew at that time in my life. I started drinking at 12 & doing drugs at 13 to numb the pain of the abuse. I finally hit rock bottom & went to a treatment center in Bothell at the age of 36 yrs old. (I know it took me a long time...lol) I can laugh a little about it now. It was one of the best things I could do for myself with God's help. I could not be where I'm at today if it wasn't for GOD'S loving GRACE & MERCY on me. Today I give all GLORY to him. Looking back at that time I now see that God was there evey step of the way in that time of my life & still is even more today!
Ahhh....mothers day! It's a bittersweet day for me. I've never had a good relationship with my mother so this day is a hard one for me. With God softening my heart I believe the relationship may be on the mend as best as it can be for us. I love her because she's my mother & I know that God loves her more then I ever could. I've shared God's love & salvation with her, but she's not sure she believes it all & that God would love her. I realized later in life she did what she knew at that time in her life when I was a little girl as far as the abuse. Some people just don't know how to show love to their children. I believe God wanted something different from me cuz he chose me to share his love & he's given me compassion for hurting people. My grand kids had never roasted marshmellows to make s'mores. Sat. night we roasted marshmellows in my backyard & made s'mores. They loved them of course... I think we will make that a mothers day weekend tradition. I had all four grand kids all weekend long & I we had fun, with a little exploring at some fishing spots, played at a park, had a ice cream at mardon resort, bbq'ing, & swimming! They didn't wanna go home. It was one of the best Mothers Days for me. I made a call to my mom & had a nice conversasion with her.
I was discouraged with my last blog cuz I tried to post pictures & they didn't show up. They just show up as red x's. I guess I have a lot to learn with this blogging...
I liked this from Joyce Meyer~ God's light shines better through "cracked pots" then it does through those who have it all together....
Then on the next day May 7th was another accomplishment for me to celebrate 17 yrs of sobriety & clean time. I can remember how lost I always felt in life. I always had friends when I drank & used drugs. Only to realize later they weren't really friends they were users of drugs, alcohol, & of people just like me....a user & a liar. I remember my heart hurt so much from so much pain in my childhood & what a mess I had made of my life. I was so lost, confused, broken, & stripped of my innocents. I knew who Jesus was, but truly believed at that time Jesus really didn't care about me or love me. My heart hurt so much, I physically had chest pains all the time & in my mind I saw a BLACK heart that was dying inside my chest. I truly believed at that time in my life, life could not be any different & that I would die from my addictions. It was all I knew at that time in my life. I started drinking at 12 & doing drugs at 13 to numb the pain of the abuse. I finally hit rock bottom & went to a treatment center in Bothell at the age of 36 yrs old. (I know it took me a long time...lol) I can laugh a little about it now. It was one of the best things I could do for myself with God's help. I could not be where I'm at today if it wasn't for GOD'S loving GRACE & MERCY on me. Today I give all GLORY to him. Looking back at that time I now see that God was there evey step of the way in that time of my life & still is even more today!
Ahhh....mothers day! It's a bittersweet day for me. I've never had a good relationship with my mother so this day is a hard one for me. With God softening my heart I believe the relationship may be on the mend as best as it can be for us. I love her because she's my mother & I know that God loves her more then I ever could. I've shared God's love & salvation with her, but she's not sure she believes it all & that God would love her. I realized later in life she did what she knew at that time in her life when I was a little girl as far as the abuse. Some people just don't know how to show love to their children. I believe God wanted something different from me cuz he chose me to share his love & he's given me compassion for hurting people. My grand kids had never roasted marshmellows to make s'mores. Sat. night we roasted marshmellows in my backyard & made s'mores. They loved them of course... I think we will make that a mothers day weekend tradition. I had all four grand kids all weekend long & I we had fun, with a little exploring at some fishing spots, played at a park, had a ice cream at mardon resort, bbq'ing, & swimming! They didn't wanna go home. It was one of the best Mothers Days for me. I made a call to my mom & had a nice conversasion with her.
I was discouraged with my last blog cuz I tried to post pictures & they didn't show up. They just show up as red x's. I guess I have a lot to learn with this blogging...
I liked this from Joyce Meyer~ God's light shines better through "cracked pots" then it does through those who have it all together....
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
His scenery was what i took in....
Come near to God, and God will draw near to you. ~James 4:8~
Yesterday morning was an emotional morning and I didn't wanna go out walking, but I made myself do it anyways. I put my headphones on and listen to praise and worship music. It wasn't one of my best days. I had foot, and hip pain, and I only walked 1.9 miles! I told myself it wasn't about how far I was walking today it was about being alone with God and taking in his beautiful scenery on my walk. As we put our foot forward we have faith it will hold us up and move us to the next stride. That is the way we should have Faith in our GOD. Strong and know he is there. I'm so Thankful he never leaves us nor forsakes us. I would really be a mess if he did. And I'm thankful I can draw near to him and he will draw near to me.
My seeds are growing... the pumpkin seeds were the first to come up, then the broccoli, and then the butternut squash. It's been fun listening to Shaylei get excited about them sprouting up. She's excited to plant this garden and so am I.
I'm loving this weather we are having and being outside more. Being outside is good for me. I get the sun and fresh air...
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