On Tuesday of last week Jayven went to a specialist to find out if he has celiac disease (allergic to gluten, & wheat). They scheduled him for a biopsy on June 7th. They will go in his tummy with a scope & take pieces of biopsy from his stomache & small intestines. They say these kids go undiagnose for a long time because its hard to get the correct testing done. He does have a lot of the symptoms. Poor little guy is always sick & we just want him to be healthy. He has to drink ensure for kids because he's a little under weight the dr said. He also had a bad cough & whezy lungs. He went to the walk in & his O2 was 92 & it should be above 100. They gave him a breathing treatment. Then he couldn't breathe very well about 4-5 hrs later so he went to the ER & his O2 was 91 they gave him a stronger dose of meds & a breathing treatment. We got out of the ER at 3:00 am. I feel so bad for Jen cuz she deals with this all by herself. She is an amazing mom & works hard for her children. Then she has to worry about health issues with him. Keep him in your prayers for health & answers.
I picked up my grand kids Aura & Aden from Tri Cities Friday night & I was so busy all weekend long... I'm so tired, but I loved having them here! Jayven had the most fun riding the rides over & over. He would say more (in his cute little way he says more) when he would get done. He was so cute! Those blue eyes get you every time. Aden had fun riding the rides with Jayven. The girls are at the in between stage not old enough to wander around by them selves, but yet they think they are! They just grow up way to fast now days. All the kids loved the Parade with all the lights, & sounds. Shaylei & Aura liked the prancing horses. Aden liked the tractors & the fire truck. And Jayven liked it all.
It was time to take Aura & Aden back to home today & they both did not wanna go home. Aden wraps his arms around my neck & says I don't wanna go home cuz I don't wanna miss you Gma. :( (breaks my heart) I wish they lived here close to me. I'm one tired Gma tho....they kept me busy. The two boys are a handful right now with their ages 6 & 2. They don't know how to share very well & fight over things. Shaylei has always stayed here when Aura is here visiting they are very close. So now Jayven crys when he has to go home with out her & doesn't understand why he can't stay. Guess what...!! Gma has been letting him stay, but I have to sleep with them cuz I'm afraid of what they might get into. Aden is sneaky little boy & Jayven will follow, but he don't know any better yet! I love these kids so much... They have all truly captured my heart forever... God has Bless me so much with them...
You are such a good grandma!!